12. Januar 2010

let me please introduce a very special friend of mine ...

... Mr. Carl Norén, singer and songwriter from Stockholm, Sweden, actually working on his first solo album. Handpainted, black acryl colour on white paper, handwritten lyrics. All Lyrics by Carl Norén.

He writes most of his songs in the nights or early mornings, and because of this fact, they all sound kind of sad, but always contain hope - like a a silver lining in a sky full of clouds.

What do you feel, while listening to them? Swimming in the moonlight? Hanging out of the sunroof of a driving car? Balancing on the balustrade of a bridge? Standing in front of a club smoking a cigarette? Taking a moon-bath? Or looking at a clock that shows 4:30 o´clock while coming home? Listening to the twitter of the birds outside? Feeling the morning dew on your skin while walking through a sleeping town? Watching the sunrise? Realizing scattered clothes all over the room? ...

For more information have a look here - http://www.myspace.com/carlnorensmusic

4. Januar 2010

i´m loving angels instead ...

2010 will rock! Das Comeback des letzten Jahres - Robbie Williams. Zu diesem Anlass hat auch dieser Herr es auf eine meiner Tassen geschafft - wobei eher auf die Tasse meiner Schwester. Robbie sorgt seit Weihnachten für rockige Momente an ihrem Eßtisch!

Auftrag von Keramikfarbe mit Pinsel nach Übertrag des Motivs von der Schablone auf die Tasse.

Seite eins - Porträt von Robbie Williams.

Seite zwei - das bekannte Robbie Williams Logo.